Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.

I caught the last Ash Wednesday service at my church tonight. Reasoning it was the fifth one offered of the day and it being, well, Wednesday, the place would be half-full at best. It was pretty surprising to walk through the doors to see standing-room-only as peer ministers bustled about trying to find extra books to hand out as supplies grew thin. Another surprise, my pastor Fr. Steve Maekawa stood at the door welcoming people as they came in. The sight itself made me smile. It had been nearly a year since he had been called to serve as a chaplain in the U.S. Army for our troops out in Afghanistan. It was good to see him back.

Anyway, Ash Wednesday was good. I hadn’t gone in two years (due to last year’s CSE 373 project debacle) and it felt good to observe the day. Lent begins today and I honestly think I look forward to this “season” more than any other during the year. I mean, it doesn’t illicit the same kind of joy that say, the Christmas season brings, but I don’t know. I dig this stuff. But then again, I really like holidays. Always looking for reason to observe and celebrate I suppose.






4 responses to “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”

  1. jules Avatar

    well if Fr. Steve is back, it might be time for me to join you at mass from now on.

    lord knows my halo is a bit off kilter.

  2. Paul Prins Avatar

    If you look most forward to this ‘season’ why not spend your entire life in it?

  3. Jamie Avatar

    Good call. 🙂

  4. Andrew Lee Avatar

    hey, I’ll have my econ list soon… I’ll be back soon!