
I learned some fun facts last night. Like how the Odegaard Copy Center is closed at 4am-4:45am and how the sprinklers in the Quad go off at 4:30am. Not bad lessons to learn at the completion of one’s senior Capstone project, if you ask me.

Today at noon, Trevor, Rufino and I presented our final system recommendations to our client and handed in our ninety-seven page bound report. Our client even brought food and invited the organization’s director and staff members to attend the presentation. It was great to finally present our work to an organization, in contrast to the usual class presentations I’m accustomed to. The presentation and susbsequent discussion lasted a little over an hour. There was a lot to cover, but it went over really well. So what exactly was our capstone project about? For those of you who haven’t had the delight of sitting through our in-process presentations in INFO 490:


The value of online content management and successful user interface design is important in its ability to convey information and enable broad audiences to better access it. Additionally, streamlining information management processes within an organization are of high interest in its ability to improve the efficiency of an organization’s operations, thereby allowing its members to focus more of their energies towards accomplishing organizational goals. The Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) was administered a four-week needs assessment which found areas for improvement in regards to these matters. After a seven week engagement in design and evaluation methodologies for system design, it was possible to devise recommended solutions and implement systems to serve the information needs of CIRGE. The project is significant in that it addresses major issues in information management such as self-sustainability of systems without staff member technical expertise, user-centric design of online content, and the centralization of information to facilitate more efficient operations.

Clear as day! So there you have it. I am done with Capstone and thus my time in the Informatics program. Yesterday was another 22-hour day wrapping the project up and one final late night session in the TE lab. As I sat there, listening to the banter of a group of INFO fifthies in the Group Room studying for their CSE final, couldn’t help but think of all the crazy good times they have ahead together as a cohort—as an INFO crew and couldn’t help but count my lucky stars for the experience of these last five quarters (yes, terribly meow meow, I know). INFO fo’ life. But for now, time to switch gears to begin studying for Friday’s final. And with that: <econ>


