Darrin’s Sushi Night

Yesterday after work, went out with the INFO crew to Yamashiro Sushi Bistro. Darrin, our ethnic-food-phobic friend, had declared he would try sushi. The event invoked quite the crowd. So dinner at Yamashiro was had and Darrin tried everything like a champ. Besides that, him and Bree brought wrapped knick-knacks for us to play white elephant gift exchange with! It was awesome.

As for the actual meal, Ryan and I were pretty hungry and weren’t sure if we felt like sushi that night, so we ordered the chicken on the menu, along with wasabi mashed potatoes. Yup. We went to a sushi place and had chicken and potatoes! HAha, yeah. The chicken was good though, crispy and huge. In fact, we were only able to finish half of it. The wasabi mashed potatoes were pretty bomb too; who would’ve known? We also ordered some spider rolls just for the sake of ordering sushi. Needless to say, we had leftovers.

Afterward, we all headed over to Ryan’s for some Texas Hold’em and Krispy Kremes, where I got to show off my skills in poker and Gran Turismo (not really). Good times! I’m sure Ryan will post the photos on his Flickr account sooner or later.

Now back to studying econ. It’s funny how much easier it is to do this stuff now that Capstone is over. I just hope I can remember it all for tomorrow. Not to mention I’m now sick! Ack! Right in time for Spring break. mMhMm.



