Bouldering and then some

It’s been a very very chill Saturday. No complaints here.

Last night I went bouldering with David, Chris, and Justin.

What I heard while climbing:

“Whoa, is that XML on the back of your t-shirt? Awesome!”
“Aw, what? Version 1.0?”
/me laughs and falls off wall

It was pretty awesome despite my less than all-star performance. Thank you David for getting me off my lazy-teriyaki-eating-Naruto-watching-butt, haha. It was midway through a California roll when I finally consented to leave my place for some climbing adventure before Jules’ birthday outing. In any case, I woke up this morning with my upper-body feeling like it had been run over.

Feeling incredibly sore and lethargic, the afternoon was spent lounging around the living room with Jules, Paul, and Taylor, watching an E! special on Britney Spears (why I find her story intriguing is beyond me). Afterward, it was a trip to Best Buy where I stressed out some printer salesmen because I asked them to provide me arguments that countered my notion that a certain printer was too “chubby”. Hoorah for silliness. Purchase complete, I followed my Harry Potter naming scheme of electronic devices. My new printer’s name: Mischief_Managed.

Afterward it was a failed attempt at surprising Ryan at work, dinner in Bellevue with Jules’ parents, massive consumption of quality Chinese food, and bumming around on Ryan’s couch.

Estoy contenta.



