Rachmaninov at Benaroya Hall

Last Sunday I went to the symphony with Dean at Benaroya Hall. The lineup:

Mozart: Symphony No. 19, K. 132
Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Bruckner: Symphony No. 6

The headliner of the program was the Rachmaninov piece. The Seattle Symphony had guest pianist Simon Trpčeski and apparently his appearance greatly affected the turnout. This easily was the highlight of the concert. First off it’s Rachmaninov, which is crazy stuff in itself, and second off they had someone like Trpčeski on the piano. Couldn’t help but smile as the music began; this stuff was just amazing. After leaving the audience on its feet, Trpčeski came back for two encores. The first of which was a slow melodic tune. A huge contrast to the previous vivacity of Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, the song was extremely simple, but it was played so powerfully that it left me hanging onto each note, a string of don’tenddon’tenddon’tend running through my head. I saw the man next to me wiping tears away. The second encore was a lullaby with a comedic effect. Not bad for a twenty-five year old pianist from Macedonia. God, could he play.

The last section was Bruckner. Was looking forward to hearing this symphony after reading about the dissention surrounding this composer. Apparently marveled as a genius in his day and simulatenously deemed a half wit without talent by many, I was curious to hear what the fuss was about. But I don’t know; while listening, I just couldn’t get into it.

It was a pretty good Sunday. Realized for the first time that this will be the last year I can use the student discount at Benaroya Hall. And to think I’ve only used it four times in my four years here at UW! Time to get the most of it now, I suppose. Can’t beat $10 a ticket.



