Wednesday & Thursday Night Outings

This week dragged out. You can definitely feel the perilous combo of mounting group work and end of the quarter burnout and it’s effect on those around you, let alone yourself. Thankfully time with friends and the boyfriend have been making my nights and for that I am glad.

Me, Jeff, and Jules
me, Jeff, and Jules

Wednesday night I went out with my old roommates to celebrate our friend Jeff’s 21st birthday at the Irish Emigrant. I’ve decided that the Emigrant is my favorite bar on the Ave. I dig the live Irish music, the festive environment, lack of suffocating amounts of cigarette smoke, and the availability of big booths, Pyramid Hefeweizen, and $1.95 mini-corndogs (yes!). That and I like my drinks weak? Haha

Thursday night after dinner at Tokyo Garden, Ryan and I picked up Anthony to join Kevin and Kathryn at Trevor’s. It was good times lounging about, having a drink or two, eating pumpkin pie, and enjoying the wonderment of Trevor’s loft. Hankering for some calamari and beer, we took off around midnight to Alki to Bamboo Bar and Grill. It felt good to be out and if it weren’t for exhaustion, would’ve loved to just hang out by the water longer. I forsee trips to Alki in the near future.

Trevor. Quiero las fotografias.






6 responses to “Wednesday & Thursday Night Outings”

  1. steev in Avatar
    steev in

    WOWOWOW UPDATE! I like the emigrant too, esp. since I used to live next door to it. There’s a waitress there who gave me a free tshirt for my bday, even though it wasn’t my 21st! COOLZORS! Yet still I’m too nub to all the bars around…oh wells. we should get a drink and reintroduce me to the world of legal inebriation once more! sounds like a fantabulously grandiose plan ๐Ÿ˜€ yay.

  2. Trevor Iwaszuk Avatar

    Aren't they cute?
    Play, my Angel of Music!
    Hehe.. I have more.. I’ll post them on my website if you want.

  3. Trevor Iwaszuk Avatar

    GRrr. didn’t let me put the images here.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Kevin Avatar

    Yay, Hanging at Trevor’s place and going to Alki rocked! I hope your visions of the future are true… we should definitely go back sometime soon.

  5. Thursday Night Fun
    Had some fun Thursday night… pics are here ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. ca Avatar

    Hmm..hanging out at a bar on Alki – I know, old Seattle joke…