ECON 431 Final

So a funny thing happens on test days in ECON 431. Minutes before the exam is handed out, I’m sitting in class looking over my classmates’ shoulders noticing the amount of detail carefully jotted on their notesheets noting the inadequacy of my own. I sit and I listen as two guys in the row behind me discuss the ramfications of practice question number-something-or-other about some market model that sounds like something I should know. I abosrb all the economic-jabber around me and honestly think to myself: I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

Then the exam gets handed out, the class falls silent, and I move to the last question starting things backward. Less than an hour later, I’m standing up realizing I’m the first or second one done. As I’m walking out of class I wonder, “What on earth is everyone else still writing about that I didn’t think to write about?” As Ryan smilingly suggested once, “Maybe the right answers?” And I can’t help but agree, but with good humor. But a week later I receive my marked up green book where the inside left cover reads a score comfortably above the mean.

Today was another one of those exams. Except this time the material was harder, my notesheet unhelpful, and my head was spinning from lack of sleep. Eh well. My last final is complete for now. No more sifting through the verbiage of Section I of the Federal Trade Commission’s Guidlines for Mergers today! And here’s to my last day of Fall Quarter! My last fall quarter…







4 responses to “ECON 431 Final”

  1. Ryan Avatar

    Yay for your pessimist boyfriend!

    I’m sure you did just fine… right?

  2. ca Avatar

    I’m usually amongst the first to finish the tests in INFO – haven’t bombed one yet (although I have scored lower on some than I would have liked…); I’ve found that the longer I take on a test, the worse I do on it. Overthinking is just as perilous to test performance as is thinking to little about the question.

  3. Kevin Avatar

    Hey, I’m sure you did fine. And even if you bombed it bad, who cares… it’s just econ right? 🙂

  4. Andrew Avatar

    You always do fine… besides, how can the great jamie do a wrong? it’s not possible.