Eight days til Christmas, December is truly flying by. Looking back at last week’s events, it seems as if all my memories have been stored in my mind framed with colored Christmas lights. Am definitely in holiday spirits.
[DAY UNO] First kung fu practice in over a month, followed by putting up Christmas lights with my Dad in our frontyard (including moving reindeer). Later, an awesome dinner at Daniel’s Broiler with Ryan’s dad, Ryan, and Anthony followed by Candy Cane Lane and Seattle skyline searching in Queen Anne.
[DAY DOS] Old Country Buffet with Tho, Ryan, Anthony, David, and Trevor. Was delighted at thought of buffet with friends. Followed by Ocean’s 12 at Alderwood. David was right, it is a pretty sweet theater. The movie? Weak plot but the witty humor let me enjoy it nonetheless.
[DAY TRES] Meeting with Capstone client followed by Christmas shopping downtown with Ryan! I love Christmas shopping downtown, it was fun to have Ryan with me. This was followed by an IUGA meeting about fiscal policy over Thai food with Trevor and David. Later that night, went out to the Rainbow to see Irene’s band perform. My proximity to the venue left me little excuse. Cool to finally see her and Chrysti rock out.
[DAY CUATRO] Worked out @ the IMA and went on Costco-run with Ryan for “Christmas dinner”. Followed by another IUGA officer meeting and then it was out to Arby’s. Delivered a Hanukkah gift to certain Paul Winters and then watched Naruto with David. Have newfound hatred for the demon-sand-guy-what’s-his-name. Grr. Later sat in front of fireplace with Ryan eating Costco pastries.
[DAY CINCO] Bummed around Ryan’s couch alternately reading Newsweek and blogs, followed by an enduring closing shift at the Microlab (yes, we’re still open), and Christmas shopping @ B&N. This followed by hanging out with Jules, Casey, and Ang and visiting The House for some Christmas break farewells and gift exchange. Keep getting surprised by the awesomeness of my friends and their gifts! Like the X-Men mag and notebook from Ang, the Internet Girl mug from Cynthia, the Superman DVD’s from Pril, the super cool Gryffindor tee from Case, not to mention the infamous Jingle Pals from Jules…you guys rock.
[DAY SEIS] Worked out @ the IMA and visited Ryan. Ivar’s Happy Hour with Andrew and Greg to celebrate Andrew’s last UW-final. Fitting to go out with this particular group since we first met at freshmen orientation three and a half years ago. Crazy to think we’re all almost through. A bowl of clam chowder later, joined Trevor, Anthony, and Kevin for Christmas shopping in Southcenter. A “guys’ night out”. Spent rest of evening on Ryan’s couch reading Dreams From My Father.
There you have it! And if you’re on thefacebook.com, please let me know. Have discovered a sad new obsession with it and cannot stop perusing. Argh.
6 responses to “Winter Break ’04 – Week 1”
¿Por qué no usted escribe “dias numero uno, dias numer dos”,etcétera en todos espanol en su fijación?
jeez james, you lead a charmed life =)
Porque no es necessario. “DAY UNO” es mas corto. 😀
Charmed. I like that.
Si fuera su novio, dirÃÂa a igual de usted 🙂
No comprendo. :\
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