Last Weekend

Friday night I drove home to Port Orchard to find my parents’ house blanketed in snow! It was awesome to come home to the quiet of my parents’ house and witness the snowglobe effect.

the backyard
The backyard the next morning

The visit was short though. Was conscious for maybe three hours of it. Awoke Saturday morning for a day out with the fam in Federal Way, Chinatown, and lastly in Shoreline.

Drove up to Federal Way with my dad to pick up a futon from my cousin’s that I’ve inherited. Then it was lunch in Chinatown with the relatives. Learned about the closure of King Cafe and wished I had gone at least one last time. Used to go there with the family when I was little, where I would sit and watch the dumbwaiter with curiosity while refusing to touch the food because at age eight, all I wanted McDonald’s–not dim sum. I would eat the sweet bean-filled sesame balls (boochie boochie!) though, oddly enough. I’m glad I’ve learned better. I <3 dim sum.

Lastly it was to my aunt’s house in Shoreline where my cousin and I hung out with our Lola and went on a Dick’s run to feed 15 (ever order 25 deluxe burgers?).

Following the usual post-holidays-my-Lola-is-in-town-tradition, Sunday I went out with my family for my uncle’s birthday. I don’t even need to say where. Came back to the condo to friends who were over for a LOTR marathon, enjoying the new futon. It was nice to have them over. The rest of the night: church and time with Jules.

Ryan and Anthony with my S’more-maker

Monday was work, but had Ryan and Anthony over tonight! Cooked them dinner! And it didn’t suck! Ha, I was excited. Then we made s’mores! As if this paragraph didn’t have enough exclamation marks! Jai came over and I watched him and Ryan watch 24. I think I was more entertained by their affinity for the show and their absolute faith in Jack Bauer than the show itself. “But Jack’s always right.”

Was feeling overwhelmed by Week 1 back to school. It looks like ECON 421 poses to be the most demanding economics course I’ve ever taken (as the professor promised) and despite efforts to switch out, looks like I’m in for the long-haul. Was beginning to feel pretty dismal with this quarter, I expected it to be tough with Capstone, but I think the sudden rush of it all (temporarily) knocked me off balance. But enough of that here. Time to hit the ground running.






5 responses to “Last Weekend”

  1. Marjorie Avatar

    Shoreline Pride.

  2. Russell Avatar

    Hey!!!! For Christmas my grandmother got me that exact same smore maker!!! Plus she bought me extra chocolate, marshmallows, and grahams just in case I run out. AndI have it sitting in my room right now!!! I should go make some smores. And then go make some more smores. Mmmm…smores.

  3. jules Avatar

    haha, go james. you’ll be fine this quarter – you always are.

    i’m so proud of your dinner capabilities, but more so that you didn’t burn down the condo with the s’mores maker. have to give that a try out when i get home.

    miss you. gee, it’s only tuesday.

  4. wendy Avatar

    King’s CAfe closed???? I’m so sad! That place had really good sandwiches and soup… was so good. So this is where ur blog is…no wonder I haven’t read any posts…..anyway, i hope u had a good xmas…

    421? International Trade????? MWAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA who so u have? YAh it’s a pain in the ass……i went through the agony

  5. Andrew Lee Avatar
    Andrew Lee

    oh man… that’s soo pretty…