Ah! So last week was rough. Realized I had worked some thirty hours that week and in conjunction with my 18-credit course load, it explained why I felt like crap. I overdid it this quarter. Even forfeited the usual Thursday night outing for a chill evening with Ryan reading CSCW research papers. A shifting deadline at work, a midterm, a client presentation, two job-searching let downs, an upcoming econ midterm and too much time in the lab left me feeling run down. Then while sitting in the lab Friday night, I made probably the best decision of the week: I left my backpack and laptop in the iSchool and walked out with only my jacket, UPASS, and phone.
My first stop was the girls’ apartment for a Chinese New Year dinner cooked by Angie and Cynthia. Although completely flustered when I arrived, it was nice to sit down with friends and hang out, eating my favorite Chinese New Year squishy-brown-rice-cake-thingy. Being around the old roommates reminded me how I like coming home to people and the time living together in Steven’s Court. After dinner (and some time wrapped in a blanket on their couch) I went out with Angie, Cynthia, and her boyfriend Dan to the Starbucks in U-Village–which is open 24-hrs now as of today, by the way.
Around ten or so, I headed back to bring Juliana leftovers. Was feeling real tired by then and was tempted to just crawl home into bed. Ultimately decided not to bum out on Val’s birthday though and caught the bus up to her house in Greenlake. It ended up being really cool. Got to hang out and meet some of her friends, later Irene and Chrysti came over, and we all just sat around the fireplace and talked til 2am. Chrysti then drove me home after a quick doughnut run and I couldn’t help be glad for the change in pace. The next day it was seven hours in MGH working on Capstone again, but Friday night was definitely a nice break and a chance to hang out with friends I don’t see often.
The rest of the weekend? Saturday night making strawberry shortcakes with Ryan. Sunday was a trip to Port Orchard for a party at my aunt’s to celebrate Ben’s two week break from his service in Iraq. Then it was back to Seattle and church with Anthony. Now comes the week.
Oh and Happy Valentine’s Day.
/me waves up at Ryan =)
3 responses to “Weekend Review”
Wow, Jamie seems busy busy busy. While it pays off to work hard, sometimes the best thing to do is to say “screw it” and leave responsibilities for another day. Por exemplo… I should be writing papers right now, but I am obviously not doing that. Maybe I should get on that….after I talk to my friends.
i woke up and checked, and there was no new blog entry =(
Jules! A Valentine’s Day post is being brewed in my head.
But first I have a miderm and a presentation tomorrow to get ready for. Yeah!