Untitled #5

It’s sunny out! And despite my troglodyte tendencies, I like it.

This weekend hsa been nice . Friday night I worked in the lab and then went back to my place with David to watch Naruto and eat ramen. Six episodes later we went back to the Group Room where everyone was programming for Capstone and watching American Wedding and Season 1 of 24. So the night was productive but still fun.

Saturday I picked up Ryan and Anthony and headed to Chinatown with my family for an early birthday lunch. We ate at Ho Ho Seafood restaurant, my favorite Chinese restaurant and had their 10-course family meal. Was disappointed to find that I could hardly keep up eating all the dishes. After the first three I started feeling myself get full! Was glad the guys were good sports, tried everything even the jelly fish tentacles. So it was nice to see the fam. <3 <3 <3

After a Uwajimaya and Best Buy run dropped the guys back home to get thing done at home. Later went back to Ryan’s to watch Ray with him and Kony. It was a great movie. More importantly, it told a pretty extraordinary story.

Anyhoo, it’s Sunday. Enjoy the sunshine, folks.



