Untitled #10

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English
10% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
0% Yankee
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?






10 responses to “Untitled #10”

  1. jules Avatar

    Dixie? you have Dixie in you?

  2. Trevor Iwaszuk Avatar

    Your Linguistic Profile:

    80% General American English
    20% Yankee
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern
    0% Upper Midwestern

  3. Greg Avatar

    Ok, no arrows this time 🙂

    65% General American English
    25% Yankee – Damn straight
    10% Dixie – what
    0% Midwestern
    0% Upper Midwestern

    The “easy class” question is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve never used or heard of any of the terms they listed for it.

  4. Marjorie Avatar

    65% General American English
    20% Upper Midwestern
    15% Yankee
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern

    Oh dear, I’ve been in Ohio too long.

  5. Kat Avatar

    70% General American English
    10% Dixie
    10% Yankee
    5% Midwestern
    5% Upper Midwestern

  6. Kevin Avatar

    70% General American English
    15% Dixie
    10% Yankee
    5% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern

  7. Ryan Avatar

    70% General American English
    10% Upper Midwestern
    10% Yankee
    5% Dixie
    5% Midwestern

  8. Myk Avatar

    70% General American English
    20% Yankee
    10% Dixie
    0% Midwestern
    0% Upper Midwestern

    East Coast baby what

  9. Jamie Avatar

    Haha, what’s this? Myk’s first ever comment on my blog? My my … ahem, westsiide.

  10. Casey Avatar

    Your Linguistic Profile:

    45% General American English
    25% Dixie
    20% Yankee
    10% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern

    What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

    I was actually surprised I didn’t have a higher Dixie quotient. Dadgum test musta been too short.