Chicago: Day 2 – 8/5/05
After crashing at Nikki’s apartment, the four of us went downtown.
View of downtown Chicago from Navy Pier
Had some good grub at Potbelly for lunch. I had an Italian sub and a rootbeer float. Gah, rootbeer float = win.
After that we walked to Navy Pier…
Generally, most were still feeling the effects of the previous night. Afterward we took a trolley back to the car and drove to our cousin Tess’ house for the wedding pre-party that night. We arrived to a packed house, soooo many titas, titos, and cousins. Most importantly, reunion time with cousin RD!
The house was packed. The setup outside included groups of candlelit tables. Tons of food: pancit in bulk and lechon on the table. Had another dinner of pancit, kare kare, and rice. During this trip I definitely got more than my required daily intake of Filipino food. *thumbs up*
Mainly though, walking around the house was like “Guevara Family Reunion – Part 1”. We were introduced to the plethora of aunties we’ve never met, mainly my Mom’s cousins and their kids. My typical intro: “Jamie. Chat’s daughter. Seattle. 22.”
Met some new second cousins too from New York and Michigan and we spent the evening getting acquainted outside. Besides the constant, “Oh—(s)he’s your cousin!” while meeting new people, it was good seeing a lot of the first cousins together again. Many of whom I haven’t seen in years and remembered to be babies.
After the party, it is was off with Mom and Dad to the room at the Wyndham. Where I blogged and flickr’ed. Yes.