This Monday

After attempting to write this entry in Pirate (in honor of Talk-like-a-Pirate Day), I’ve given up and have discovered a new-found empathy for a pirate’s inability to truly express himself verbally. I managed to write most of my personal e-mails today in Pirate though (just ask Kat or Ang), I think that counts for something. Not much. But something.

Today was a long day at work. All you gots to know is two words: critical path. But I can’t really complain too much. I had my Monday morning blueberry bagel and got to see the layout of the new office we’re moving to next month. My Pilates-lunch buddies cancelled today and so instead of “working my core”, I spent my lunch hour eating the usual pad thai, cashew chicken, steamed rice combo from Uwajimaya. Such a deal.

The cool of the air and the tickle in my throat had me hankering for Asian soup today. Of the brothy variety. I went home and made some with chicken stock, soba noodles, ground beef, a plethora of seasonings and lo’ n behold, it was super good. Like “Wow I can’t believe I made this”-good. Jules even had some when she got home. ๐Ÿ˜€ (Ryan, you’re up.)

My Sifu e-mailed me this afternoon and it was nice hearing from him. I’ve been thinking a lot about Kung Fu lately these last couple months, especially as I’ve gotten more into Capoeira. I really miss it. While working out, whether it’s stretching or jinga-ing, it never fails to send me crashing back on memories. It’s even just times I pull open my dresser drawer and see my uniforms tucked underneath old t-shirts that I feel a flicker of sadness.

In any case, the e-mail was nice. I’ll probably call my Shixiong tomorrow to see how he’s doing as it’s been over a year since I returned his last call. And I happened to snag a glance at the AMI Fall class schedule (like I’ve been doing every quarter). And lo’ n behold, for the first time in months there’s a class on a Saturday morning that I haven’t done yet and also qualify for, and it’s a form I’ve always wanted to learn. For once feasibility is just “challenging” not “stark raving impossible” or “how do you manage it?” as it was when I was in college. And then there’s the fact that I’m so close to my brown belt that it hurts. Ah who knows. I’ve been babbling about this type of thing in my head all year. (Not in the concerning way, of course.) It’s just now there’s an opportunity. But who knows. We’ll see what pans out. Maybe I’ll call my Dad.

Anyway, here’s to my first attempt at blogging how I used to. In the psuedo-daily log sorta way. ๐Ÿ˜›





One response to “This Monday”

  1. Greg Avatar

    In Criminal Law today, the professor started off class by saying, “I’m sorry we can’t celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day properly so here’s some candy.” I thought that was awesome.

    You also better learn that new form. No excuses, Jamie ๐Ÿ™‚