First Hold ‘Em Party

Last night Ryan had a poker gathering at his place and I decided to be daring and partake. I say daring, because prior to it I had never played with people before, save the one instance a few weeks ago when he sat down and taught me how to play. But as I do like a good card game, figured it’s about time I picked up on this.

Everyone filtered in around 7PM and as usual, it was really good to see the crew all in one room again. Kevin even came and brought me some pumpkin ale! (Which was actually pretty good.) The game itself was a lot of fun. Just good times with friends, some Kanye West, and um, winning. Yeah, hooray for beginner’s luck.

Everyone around the table
IMG_0374, originally uploaded by rprins.

Afterward we all went out to Red Robin for dessert where Ryan and I got owned by an excess of ice cream and caramel (stomachs were cold and full afterward) before calling it a night. Am looking forward to the next time we all get together. 🙂

Anyway, now bumming around at Ryan’s and am feeling incredibly lethargic. The weather out is pretty wet and gray, a complete contrast with yesterday’s sunshine. I don’t mind so much though. We went out to Denny’s for brunch today (God bless gravy) and later went shopping in Alderwood.

As for the latest, work is good and things are pretty fun. Been exploring the eating out options around the new office quite a bit lately with the co-workers. Also, I’ve been catching up with some old friends a lot lately, which also means eating out a lot. In other news, I don’t know if it’s the weather, but I’ve been so somnolent lately. Am just glad I went to Capoeira practice Friday, to definitely be repeated tomorrow. Eh well, here’s to a remainder of the evening wrapped in a comfoter on the couch in front of the fireplace…






One response to “First Hold ‘Em Party”

  1. Ryan Avatar

    You Win! GG! Maybe I’ll have better luck next time.