Last weekend I went to the Washington Brewers Festival at the Seattle Center with Ryan and the gang to celebrate Darrin’s birthday. While I had been interested in going, I worried that it’d be crazy busy like the other Seattle festivals where you waddle shoulder to shoulder in a crowd (think Seattle Cheese Festival at the Market). The idea of me maneuvering through a crowd with a beer was just filled with clumsy possibilities.
However, it actually turned out to be pretty laid back. The weather was perfect–just sunny and warm, and there wasn’t a large crowd. The inside of the Fisher Pavilion, where the brewers were set up, was of course bustling, but it was not nearly as crowded as I thought. Overall it was just fun going back and forth from the lawn to the pavillion to try a cup of beer here and there and hang out with friends.
I had the chance to try out the following beers:
- Snoqualmie Falls Brewing Co.’s Falls Hefeweizen
The first beer I tried. Good. I like Hefeweizens so I couldn’t really go too wrong. - Anacortes Brewery’s Festival Lager and Hefeweizen
These two were probably my favorite of the day, especially the Hef that tasted a little like bananas. The lager was just crisp and refreshing. (I’m trying really hard here to be descriptive, hah.) - Maritime Pacific Brewing Co.’s Old Seattle Lager
Wasn’t a fan of this one. Just too bitter. Darrin and Ryan finished it off for me.
So there you have it. You’re probably wondering why I only tried four beers at a Brewers Festival. Well, I only purchased six “tastes” (tickets) and gave one to Darrin (can you say birthday present?). And to be honest, I can’t remember what the sixth ticket was used for! I want to say it was for a cider beer, but I’m not so sure. With that said, four tastes was more than enough for this light-weight.
It was a lot of fun and I think next year I’ll have to bring my Dad on Father’s Day Weekend.