A Long Short Week

SO Mid-Year Workshop WeekSo last week at work was the Site Optimization Mid-Year Workshop Week. Even though I didn’t go into work until Wednesday (was in MN prior), it seemed like a long week. Not in the overly busy kind of way, but it was just very event-filled. Tuesday night was a Mariners game with Atlas’ SO team. Wednesday night was an AO team dinner at the Melting Pot, where we practically gorged ourselves with fondue. And then Thursday night was our wine tasting event at Portalis in Ballard, which was probably the best part of the week, hanging out and having a chance to chat with the folks from out of state/country.

Besides the fun social events in the evenings, the days were scheduled full with workshops and presentations. I was scheduled to present on Friday. However, after checking the agenda soon found that I was session #42 of the week (out of 43), making me the very last session prior to the company sponsored booze cruise most folks were going on that afternoon. Needless to say, not exactly a desirable spot. But it was short and sweet, and most of my client services team was there for support.

By the time Friday afternoon rolled by it felt like a very long week and I was really looking forward to the weekend. However, I wasn’t through yet. Friday night was two-hours of Capoeira, followed by a drive around the peninsula to visit my parents. The next morning I was up again around 7am for Kung Fu practice. Upon arrival back to Seattle, I went straight to my bed.

The Hungry Pines at Mars BarAfter that said and done, I decided that for the rest of the weekend I didn’t really want to do much of anything except bum around. And Ryan feeling the same way, we did. Yay for grocery shopping and watching West Wing. There was one exception though, after church Casey and I went out briefly to see Irene’s band play at Mars Bar. It was pretty cool, I’d recommend checking ’em out sometime. Anyway, here comes the work week.

SymposiumCurrently Playing
by The Ken Oak Band


