Thanksgiving this year was pretty great. Some relatives even flew up from CA for the weekend and it was nice seeing my aunt, uncle, and cousin Sue Ellen. On Thursday we had the annual massive Thanksgiving lunch (or day, rather) at my aunt and uncle’s, and as usual, it was amazing. We all assembled around a long table and did our traditional go ’round and say what you’re thankful for this year. It’s a nice tradition and is often entertaining. Then after blessing the food, it was grub time with all the traditional Thanksgiving fare. My brother and I agreed it probably was the best turkey we had ever had. I also especially dug the candied yams. There was even turkey wonton soup which was pretty tasty. Then, after the first main round of eating the my brother and the other boys stumbled towards the couches to lie and watch football.
After some time, we played a Thanksgiving trivia game; two of my aunts tied for first place. Then it was a riddle-game, which I believe my cousin Sam won (and rec’d a Starbucks giftcard). Both were a neat addition to our usual festivities. Then with our riddle paper we drew for charades. I was assigned “London Fog”–try acting that out without words. Somehow my cousin Ernelyn got it. Afterward, the girls took turns playing their piano recital pieces for everyone. Feeling warm, full, and drowsy, I went on a walk with some of my cousins to my parents’ house, which is about a 20 minute walk away. It was a lot colder than usual and raining, but the chill air combined with moving around was very refreshing.
When we returned, it was more munching on food and then a few games of Bingo: 25 cents a sheet. (I lost, like usual.) Needless to say, it was a pretty fun-filled day of family time. Afterward we headed back to my parents’ house with some of my cousins and we set up the Christmas tree and had pasta my Mom made.