Again, really?

I find it really uncanny that I often find myself engaging in the exact same conversation with cab drivers. It goes as follows:

  1. Inquiry of what country my family is from, followed by questions about said country.
  2. I then profess to having never been to said country, adding that I am not fluent in the language.
  3. Driver replies in shock and becomes appalled. He then attempts to convey to me the “shame” of my situation.
  4. Lastly, driver proceeds to ask about the race of my boyfriend. (Strangely, this is never prefaced with asking if I have a boyfriend.)
  5. Driver then disapproves sternly and begins mumbled litany of why biracial dating is “not good” and “unwise”.
  6. Arrive at destination. Smile cordially. Reduce tip.

Tonight was another one of those instances. It’s not so much the conversation that surprises me, but more the fact that it’s followed this sequence several times, in various cities, no less! I need a disclaimer:

I AM AN AMERICAN–who happens to be of Filipino descent. I have never been to Asia and although I’d like to visit one day, it’s not a huge priority for me. This is my country and I’m proud of it. English is my first language and I am more well-versed in it than most. My boyfriend is white and I have no problem with that. Do get over it. Thanks.






3 responses to “Again, really?”

  1. Kat Avatar

    Go Jamie! You tell ’em!

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Jamie = 1, cab drivers = 0


  3. Myk Avatar

    america, ufkc yeah!

    it’s funny, though, how many people are still against interracial dating. i’ve had more than a few “uncles” and “aunts” tell me that it was blasphemy for me to be dating a white girl. jealous??