April in Seattle

For the first time since November, I don’t have a trip lined up. Traveling has a been a lot of fun but it’s also good to be home to and see friends, enjoy life in Seattle, and get back into the swing of things. That and it’s nice having my suitcase off the floor and relocated to my closet for a bit.

Weekend Summary

On Friday, Ryan and I went out with Trevor and Ly to Joey’s on Lake Union for the first time. The ambiance was really great and the trendiness (think square plates and hip Vegas-esque bar) took me by surprise (was thinking more kangaroos). The food was pretty good too, including a truly stellar chocolate lava soufflé. Overall am looking forward to going back.

Saturday we went geocaching with David and Teresa in Magnuson Park and thankfully it stopped raining long enough for us to go. Am definitely looking forward to more time outdoors this spring and summer.

Today I made a rare trip to the east side; had dim sum with Jules’ family and visited Stephen’s place for the first time. When not out and about, this weekend I watched a lot of West Wing with Ryan (we’re on season 6 now) and daydreamed of owning a Roomba iRobot. One day…

The Latest

As for work, things have finally slowed down for once and it’s a little unsettling given the difference in pace. But I suppose the temporary change is good for all of us. Also lately, I’ve been spending a lot of quality time with my team. With everyone in the office for once and our NY teammates flying into Seattle 2x this month, we’ve been going out a lot. Last week it was Temple Billiards, a New Orleans bar in Pioneer Square, and dinner at Dahlia Lounge. Good times.

Finally, last week Lent ended and I had a pretty beautiful Holy Week. Tried to do a little bit of everything, including a few new things, and attended a Holy Thursday Compline; Good Friday Tenaebrae and mass, as well as the usual Easter Vigil. It really is one of my favorite times of year.

In other news, time seems to be flying lately. Was going through the blog archives the other day and kept going to myself, “Was that really a year ago? That was two years ago?” Moreover, can’t believe next month is already May and it will potentially be time for Ryan’s fourth annual Cinco de Mayo party. Crazy to think how much time has past since our first gathering.

Anyway, here’s to more sunshine in our forecasts.

Currently Listening to:

Put Your Records On





3 responses to “April in Seattle”

  1. david Avatar

    yeah geocaching was fun. if i ever made a list of “top 10 ways to have fun without burning a hole in your wallet minus the initial GPS dohicky you have to buy” i’d put geocaching somewhere around #2 the list.

    (#1 would be using your and your significant other’s bday to create GPS coordinates and making out/love in that spot)

    oh and i read this comic and though of you:

    – or if you’re not a big fat lazy person –


  2. Michel Avatar

    hehe, or if you are lazy, then why not read the translated version of it? 😉


    Cheers, the Fireworks master who re-mastered the comic a bit;-)

  3. Ani Avatar

    Nice re-master, Michel 😀