The weekend after INFO Christmas and Nutcracker, it was company holiday party time. (I really need to work on this “recency” thing when blogging. Eh well.)
It started off Friday for Ryan’s Avanade Party at the Pacific Science Center. He got out of work pretty late, so we only caught the tail end of it before heading out with some of the crew to go to Schultzy’s. However, it was neat to see some folks from the Vegas Flyback there.
On Saturday night, we went to the my agency holiday party at the Seattle Art Museum, which was pretty sweet. I hadn’t been in the SAM so in a while so it was neat to go again, let alone with a pretext of a party. Admittedly though, I enjoyed the mini crab cake sandwiches over the current exhibit. 😉 Bravo to the folks who organized it, it was pretty well done.