So the celebrating of spring birthdays continued last weekend. Friday night Ryan and I went out to Claim Jumper in Alderwood for Angie’s birthday dinner. It was a way good time and Claim Jumper was impressive. I’ve seen out-of-this-world proportions before, but this was just ridiculous. Like Super Mario Bros. 3 Giant Land ridiculous. I’ve never seen so much bread pudding in one order…a memory I’ll be sure to cherish.
Saturday was productivity day. An officer meeting over fried chicken at Ryan’s, a hot dog run at Costco followed by cleaning, laundry’ing, and getting stuff done for work. This getting stuff done’ness continued til Sunday afternoon when Ryan picked me up from the lab and we hung out at his place. That night Jules and I left to B&O Espresso on Capitol Hill for Casey’s 22nd birthday party for drinks and desserts (and another monstrously long table). We all were griping about missing the new Family Guy but we couldn’t miss birthday girl’s day.
Me trying to convince Ang we should take a staged conversation photo
And there you have it.
3 responses to “More Birthday Partying”
go alderwood~! represent ^_^
I love the video game reference. I should go save the world from the evil Bowser and his hoard of Koopa kids.
If only I had the time….
woowoo… looks like fun!!!
and yeah, that is the same Hana… yup