Memorial Day Weekend

The Informatics 4th and 5th cohorts battle
off in a game of Ultimate Frisbee at
Golden Gardens – Photo by Sean Fortier

The holiday weekend continued Saturday with IUGA’s End of the Year BBQ at Golden Gardens (Photos). The weather was perfect out and we had a neat shady area reserved for the event. Besides hanging out and eating grilled meat, we got to play a bit of Ultimate in the sand. It was awesome to be out there playing. It really is a shame we didn’t have enough girls for co-ed intramural this quarter. All the running around on the beach tuckered me out though, but the day went on.

group pic @ bbq
Group photo a la Ryan’s tripod

Afterward, some of us at the BBQ headed over to Trevor’s place for drinks. It was nice to sit around and hang out with Trevor, Ryan, Sean, Darrin, Bree, and David; haven’t had a chill night like that in a while. Good times! Even better video! Came home around 3AM just completely exhausted. Much props to Trevor for hosting.

This way!

The next day, Jules and I left to Canada (Photos). Yeah, a little random I admit, but Jules proposed we leave the country and I came along. So Sunday the two of us spent the day in downtown Vancouver, BC. We I did a bit of shopping there, which was pretty fun. Most importantly, I had the privilege of taking Jules to Hon’s Wun-Tun House on Robson, arguably some of the best Chinese food I’ve ever tasted. I had eaten there so many times during my last visit but had forgotten the name. When we happened to walk by it, while noting the line out their door as people tried to get in, my heart nearly skipped a beat in recognition, haha.

Dinner was awesome. We had a cod-tofu dish with black bean sauce, a potato-nest ginger dish with shrimp, chicken, and broccoli, this bomb wonton soup, white sticky rice, and this coconut corn jello for around $20 Canadian. We ate so much it hurt to walk back to our hotel. Actually, it hurt to even stand. But walk back we did, with enough leftovers for two more meals.

A store front in Chinatown

The next morning we woke up and used the hotel’s hot tub, checked out, and hit Vancouver’s renowned Chinatown. After some dim sum, we walked around there, did some shopping (got myself a Naruto poster), and stocked up at one of the many Chinese bakeries on sweets before driving back to the States. The ride back was over an hour longer than the drive up due to an accident, but we made it home in one piece.

Once home, eager to get out of the car, I walked over to Ryan’s to deliver an apple dumpling I bought him in Chinatown. Then it was some dinner together and off to Safeway for some groceries and back home. It was a pretty eventful weekend. The end!






One response to “Memorial Day Weekend”

  1. jules Avatar

    And yes, I was certainly honored to have the opportunity to consume Hon’s Chinese food…such…good…food…