Running down Meany Hall steps in caps and gowns with Kathryn and her saying, “Ohmigosh just look at us!” Knowing your faculty and academic deans by first name. Sitting backstage next to Ryan waiting with the crew. Seeing all the faculty decked in academic garb. Feeling pride for my iSchool. Being called back to the mic. Uh. Er. Hi. Admiration for my peers. Being one of twelve undergraduates representing your college at Commencement. Our INFO profs bringing us ding dongs while we waited in line. Walking around the stadium track by college like that country you’ve never heard of in the Parade of Nations. Having the rain soak through your clothes. Fitting two people in one poncho. The wait for Mike Eisenberg to present us to the President, “I’d like to present to you the Information School’s ground-breaking Informatics students!” Standing on our chairs and screaming with the hope that our dean would see us from the podium. Gladly retreating home early without walking across the stage. Warming up and drying up in front of fireplace while wrapped in snowman blanket. The chill night with the INFO crew at Trevor’s and eating his mom’s deviled eggs. The ferry ride with friends to my parents house. Spending the afternoon in Port Orchard for a classic Y. family party. Uncle Chris’ banana cream pudding, trail walking, and lots of aunties and uncles. Trevor on piano singing with my Mom. Karaoke in my parents’ living room and David singing “I Just Called to Say I Love You” to Teresa. Surprise visit from my homie Dan and playing Virtua Fighter 2 on Sega Saturn before driving back to the Seattle. That was my graduation weekend.
Photo Albums:
UW Graduation Photoset
Graduation Party in Port Orchard Photoset
Ryan’s Graduation Weekend Photoset