Shiggidy Shiggidy

I haven’t been blogging much. I think much of my day-to-day adventures are now being logged in this Moleskine notebook Ryan bought me for Christmas. Easier to write down phrases on hourly marked lines than come up with blog entries that I tirelessly edit, rearrange, and refresh twenty-six times.

In sum, work’s been rather busy. But that aside, I’ve come to really like my job. Not that I haven’t before, but I notice it excites me more than usual. On another front, I’ve been better at regularly attending Capoeira. Not phenomenal, but better. I cleaned my room (now that’s phenomenal). And in unrelated news, I’m deciding between buying a new PC or a Mac Mini.

Tonight I went over to Casey’s where I did more work and watched bits of Starship Troopers and Booondocks with Paul and Taylor. Great stuff. I had a chocolate cake (made by Paul) that was so rich it hurt to eat. Then I left with an apple pie in my hand. I like happy endings.

Anyway, there’s gobs more to write about, but it’s my bedtime. Hope everyone’s February is going well. Especially you lucky cats who had today off.



