Halfway through my shift at work today, I suddenly felt like I got twapped on the head with a cold bug. In bed now, drinking water and popping Dayquil. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten sick, am just thankful I got through most of the holidays not feeling like this.
Christmas was merry. We had the traditional family party at my parents’ house. The food was amazing. I ate more than I did on Thanksgiving. Couldn’t stop eating my Tita Linda’s kare kare (peanut ox tail stew) and bagoong (shrimp paste), my cousin’s paella, my Mom’s coleslaw salad, and rice. Photos from the party are online here.
The coolest presents I received had to be the pillow from my brother, the snowmen blanket from Ernelyn, and the s’more maker (hehe) from my aunt. It was good times eating, singing, playing the brutal gift exchange game, opening presents, and lounging around with cousins.
After everyone had left, around midnight I watched The Day After Tomorrow with my brother and my cousin Jessica. It was a fun movie to watch, especially because it had a lot of room for banter, notably the wolves on the Russian naval ship, heheh.
The next day was my cousin Lisa’s 13th brithday. It being the big thirteenth birthday, my aunt had a brunch party at her house and even their relatives from Chicago flew in for it to come celebrate. Needless to say, my Tita Susie’s food was amazing. Everything from bagels and lox to egg nog french toast. It was a pretty full house of family and friends.
“Pretty multicultural party, huh?” my aunt mentioned. And looking around, it really was: Lisa’s German/black relatives, plus all my Filipino family and some Hispanic family friends. Mixed sounds of English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Visayan were in the air. You could see it on your plate too: Scrambled eggs and lumpia, pancit and honeyed ham.
The holiday season is winding down (dont’ forget New Year’s!) and I can’t help but think what a pretty festive month it has been. Am excited that Ryan is coming back to Seattle tomorrow! Not so excited that I feel sick though. Wonder how I’ll feel tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe I should actually design a layout for this blog. Or validate a certain page so Tho can quit giving me crap, haha.
9 responses to “I’m writing this in bed!”
hope you feel better. happy new year love!
You are lucky I forgot the link to that page, or else I would bother you even more!
Tho, you mean this link… http://depts.washington.edu/trnews/
Yes, thank you Ryan. See here! it’s not a valid html page!!
Awww shoot! Don’t get any sicker!! Glad to hear you had a good Christmas. ๐
Hah, great. Thanks Ryan!
UW Transfer Student eNewsletter
UW Transfer Student eNewsletter
This newsletter is being managed by one of my Info-peeps – great job she’s doing on it!! She and I went to interview for the position on the same day, and while I hate losing out a job prospect to another candidate, I…
awwwwwwwwwwwww FEEL BETTER!!!! at least you’re not freezing your buttocks off over here in DC, where the temperature reaches a whopping 25 degrees in the winter! It actually was so warm today i had to show ridiculous restraint to not walk outside in shorts and flip flops.
Glad to hear about your feasts, whenever I read about them on your blog my stomach moans.. half in delight at the thought of such delicacies, half in disappointment that it couldn’t be so lucky as to receive them….poor stomach.
hope you feel better! have a great new years! plans???
oh yeah, that scene with the wolves in DAT was….comical. and did you notice they showed the space needle in the trailers, but there was no space needle in the actual movie? What an injustice!
Wait Wait… Is this the Hershey’s S’More’s maker you speak of? We shall hang out soon…