Category: Etcetera
introPLAY Picnic at Discovery Park
Photo by Kevin Pittman Today we had a picnic at Discovery Park to celebrate the end of our introLEAGUE. The weather didn’t look so hot this morning with its completely overcast skies and temperature in the low 50’s. However, by popular demand we went out anyway, in true Northwest spirit. Once there, not only was…
Sun in Seattle (omg finally) – What’d you do?
So needless to say, the weather finally broke out of its dreary mid-40° with rain and we broke the heat record yesterday when it reached 90° out. And man was long overdue. I mean, I’m a definite northwest girl who enjoys her gray skies and misty rain; however, this fall/winter dragged like none other, say…
Client Summit in NYC
Last week I was in NYC for Avenue A | Razofish’s annual client summit, as recorded by the recent moblog posts you’ve seen here. This year was the biggest yet with about 1,000 attendees. It was also a pretty action-packed schedule.
What is Informatics?
Finally, a 5-minute YouTube video that explains the Informatics program @ UW. This is for all those iSchoolers out there who’ve received a blank stare or a quick change of topic when you’ve mentioned your major to family and friends. Props to the iSchool for putting it together, it’s pretty well done! Now if only…
Cute Kittens Bop Their Head Video
This outta control-cuteness. Thx to Ryan for the find. Cute Kittens Bop Their Head – Watch more free videos
Valentine’s Day
Last night Ryan and I went to Purple Cafe and Wine Bar downtown for dinner and then out to Benaroya Hall to see the Seattle Symphony perform Dvořák’s “New World” Symphony. It was super awesome. <3 Just like us. Har har.
So I’ve finally discovered by snow sport of choice: snowshoeing. That said, today Ryan and I went with Kevin and some family and friends snowshoeing. And right now, I must admit I’m pretty tuckered out. It was a pretty leisurely trek though and the weather was actually rather nice, not that cold and even sunshine.…
Flowers for Lola
2007 Book List
Last year, after repeatedly walking into Barnes & Noble and looking longingly at all the possibilities, I made a New Year’s resolution to be more proactive reading. And to make it measurable this time, I decided on a simple book-per-month quota. It may not be much for more avid bookworms (er, Val), but I’m happy…
Travel Cities 2007
Needless to say, 2007 was a year of travel for me. Ryan suggested I list it out, so here goes, though the format is different than kottke. WINTER January 4-7 Eden Prairie, MN January 15-16 San Francisco, CA January 23-27 Philadelphia, PA February 5-7 Ft. Lauderdale, FL February 8-9 Atlanta, GA SPRING March 13-15 Washington…