Tag: Adventures

  • Reflections of a Newbie

    After work I decided to go check out that Capoeira school on Capitol Hill that I’ve been balking on attending. My body was aching to move. So I printed off a map, hopped on a bus and wandered around until I heard the sound of drums that told me I was at the right place.…

  • Graduation Hoopla

    Running down Meany Hall steps in caps and gowns with Kathryn and her saying, “Ohmigosh just look at us!” Knowing your faculty and academic deans by first name. Sitting backstage next to Ryan waiting with the crew. Seeing all the faculty decked in academic garb. Feeling pride for my iSchool. Being called back to the…

  • Alderwood Mall with Trevor

    Today I discovered the yummy’ness of custard in my bubble tea and the music of the new Coldplay CD. Great stuff. Trevor and I spent most of the day shopping and it was muy bueno. After trying on many pairs of strappy black heels, I found the perfect pair at Nordstroms, only to come home…

  • Last Week of Class

    So here concludes my last week of class. The week started Tuesday, where I went to my one class of the day, had lunch with Angie at BoB, napped, and watched Naruto with David until Capoeira practice. Ah, the life of a student. Kevin and Sean in front of the icecream cake Wednesday after work…

  • Memorial Day Weekend

    The Informatics 4th and 5th cohorts battle off in a game of Ultimate Frisbee atGolden Gardens – Photo by Sean Fortier The holiday weekend continued Saturday with IUGA’s End of the Year BBQ at Golden Gardens (Photos). The weather was perfect out and we had a neat shady area reserved for the event. Besides hanging…

  • Weekend Happenings

    Due a class cancellation, my weekend started Wednesday night. So after dinner at Red Robin with Ryan, later that night I went out with David and Justin to Chris’ to watch the Naruto movie with him and Donna. To be honest, the movie was okay. I mean it was still a blast to watch, especially…

  • More Birthday Partying

    So the celebrating of spring birthdays continued last weekend. Friday night Ryan and I went out to Claim Jumper in Alderwood for Angie’s birthday dinner. It was a way good time and Claim Jumper was impressive. I’ve seen out-of-this-world proportions before, but this was just ridiculous. Like Super Mario Bros. 3 Giant Land ridiculous. I’ve…

  • Untitled #13

    This morning was the second time in a row that I’ve awoken to a sharp pain in both my arms. At first, in my sleepy daze I would start to panic that I had been ambushed in the middle of the night which had left my extremeties incapacitated, only to begin whimpering at the realization…

  • Untitled #11

    Keeping with the tradition of this quarter, here’s the weekend review! This weekend I… Went home and hung out with my parents Friday night. Hung out with Ryan Saturday night. He made beef stroganoff! We made strawberry shortcakes. I cut strawberries well. Had d-d-diiiim sum at House of Hong on Sunday with the INFO crew.…

  • I Heart Living in Seattle

    Spring has sprung! Yesterday’s weather was gorgeous and much had to be done about it. After my one class of the day, Jules picked me and Paul up from campus and we went out to lunch in Pioneer Square. Not really having much of an idea of where we wanted to eat, we wandered around…