Tag: Adventures
Weekend Update
On Friday night, we went out for April’s 21st birthday @ Mojito Cafe in lower Queen Anne. Check out the night’s photos here. Think great latin food, salsa club, live band, dancing, and steamy windows. Great night out. Much props to Pril for organizing the event. Am inspired to pursue salsa lessons, haha. (Ryan has…
It Hurts to Move
I had my first Capoeira class yesterday. 7:30PM-10PM. The instructor took class over an hour the designated time. I loved every minute of it. Walked back home soaking in sweat, legs shaking in exhaustion. It hurts to walk, bend over, or even shrug my shoulders. I want to tell you about it. About walking in…
Cambodian New Year
So about Cambodian New Year. On Saturday night, went out with the INFO Crew to the HUB Ballroom to see David’s Cambodian New Year Show. The food was tasty and there was a pretty good crowd. Photos from my camera of us at our table can be found here. For pictures of the actual stuff…
Untitled #9
I’ve been meaning to write so here goes. I’m so bad with entries. No, really. I write half ones (and sometimes complete ones) and stop from posting because I can’t get the wording right, beause I think the content is too silly to publish to the annals of the Internet, because I’m brutally picky when…
This Weekend
Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal Friday I wasn’t feelin’ too hot, so I opted to head home to my parents’ house for the night. So after work and a quick visit MGH, I drove off to Fauntleroy to catch a ferry. It was a nice ferry ride. I used to ride the ferry twice a week for…
First Day of School
Yesterday was the first day of Spring Quarter. It was weird making my way to the bottom floor of the Chemistry Library for my first class. It was also weird not having class ’til 1:30PM, haha. I still don’t know how I’m going to make it from the Chem Library to Balmer in ten minutes,…
Happy one year, Ryan Prins. :O) <3 Himay <– I got lilies! =) To celebrate, on Saturday Ryan and I went to the Washington State History Museum where we learned fun state facts. I know you’re dying to know, so here are two off the top of my head: My home county (Kitsap) was actually…
Cancun, woOO!
Friday after my last final, I left with Ryan and David from Seattle to meet the rest of the INFO crew for…SPRING BREAK 2005 – Cannon Beach! Little did we know the trip would be renamed, “Storm Kimiko – Wind Blast Battle 2005,” but I’ll get to that later. After a pretty chill drive down…
Darrin’s Sushi Night
Yesterday after work, went out with the INFO crew to Yamashiro Sushi Bistro. Darrin, our ethnic-food-phobic friend, had declared he would try sushi. The event invoked quite the crowd. So dinner at Yamashiro was had and Darrin tried everything like a champ. Besides that, him and Bree brought wrapped knick-knacks for us to play white…
Mad props to Dan and Jessica for hosting last night’s end of quarter party! It was good to see the entire crew. Still can’t get over the tastiness of the oysters Tho brought. Pictures before my camera died can be found here. Can’t believe we’re basically done with the INFO program. It’s been quite the…