Tag: Adventures

  • IUGA LAN Part Deux

    Last night IUGA hosted their second LAN Party in Mary Gates and it went pretty well. I’m not much of a gamer though and instead collected tickets, picked up the pizza, and watched Naruto (Episodes 64-67) with David in the Group Room. Avi and Sean in the hallway Somewhere in the middle of the night…

  • I Realized I Hate Titling My Posts

    It’s odd, this week my days drag and my afternoons/evenings are fun-filled. Time in class or at work seems to be draining me lately. Like today in econ, I was trying to keep my eyes open, mindlessly scribbling something about asset demand theory, watching the second hand of the clock move achingly slow. Mosied back…

  • Anthony’s Birthday

    Oh eM Gee Ant-Honey turned twenty-three! Sorry for slackin’, here’s the pics from Thursday’s dinner at P.F. Chang’s for Trotter’s birthday. And here’s Kevin’s synopsis of the night. Trevor, Kevin, and Kat Teresa, David, and Tho Thumbs up! Yea! And with that, onto dessert!  

  • Last Weekend

    Friday night I drove home to Port Orchard to find my parents’ house blanketed in snow! It was awesome to come home to the quiet of my parents’ house and witness the snowglobe effect. The backyard the next morning The visit was short though. Was conscious for maybe three hours of it. Awoke Saturday morning…

  • 2004 Year-In-Review

    Here it is! In words by season and in photos by month. Winter was probably my most challenging quarter of the year because of my CSE 373-anxieties but soon learned that I had the greatest of friends at my side. It was a lot of hang out time with the Info guys (remember the 1st…

  • I’m writing this in bed!

    Halfway through my shift at work today, I suddenly felt like I got twapped on the head with a cold bug. In bed now, drinking water and popping Dayquil. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten sick, am just thankful I got through most of the holidays not feeling like this. Christmas was merry. We…

  • Nativity de la Marshmallow

    Look what Ryan and I did tonight! The result…

  • Winter Break ’04 – Week 1

    Eight days til Christmas, December is truly flying by. Looking back at last week’s events, it seems as if all my memories have been stored in my mind framed with colored Christmas lights. Am definitely in holiday spirits. [DAY UNO] First kung fu practice in over a month, followed by putting up Christmas lights with…

  • iKaraoke

    Last night in MGH 420, at 4:30PM the iSchool’s 4th cohort of Informatics students met for the last time all together in class. Afterward they went out for Red Robin, sat at a table for eighteen, gave a birthday cake to certain Tho To, and then sang their hearts out in Seattle’s Chinatown. Oh em…

  • Wednesday & Thursday Night Outings

    This week dragged out. You can definitely feel the perilous combo of mounting group work and end of the quarter burnout and it’s effect on those around you, let alone yourself. Thankfully time with friends and the boyfriend have been making my nights and for that I am glad.