Tag: Adventures

  • Thanksgiving Break

    The day after Thanksgiving I had every intention of hitting Silverdale for some holiday shopping. Instead, the day was spent at my parents’ house alternately chatting online, eating pumpkin coffee cake, and watching portions of Raising Helen, repeat, repeat, repeat. What a day! Later that night I invited mi prima Mia to come over with…

  • Rachmaninov at Benaroya Hall

    Last Sunday I went to the symphony with Dean at Benaroya Hall. The lineup: Mozart: Symphony No. 19, K. 132 Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Bruckner: Symphony No. 6 The headliner of the program was the Rachmaninov piece. The Seattle Symphony had guest pianist Simon Trpčeski and apparently his appearance greatly affected the…

  • Date-less

    So I can’t seem to keep my head on straight as of late and it’s no mystery why. But it’s getting out of control and I can hardly keep straight what day it is. All week I’ve been having to stop and think and double–triple check my iCal and see where I’m supposed to be.…

  • Bouldering and then some

    It’s been a very very chill Saturday. No complaints here. Last night I went bouldering with David, Chris, and Justin. What I heard while climbing: “Whoa, is that XML on the back of your t-shirt? Awesome!” “Aw, what? Version 1.0?” /me laughs and falls off wall It was pretty awesome despite my less than all-star…

  • Veterans’ Day Weekend

    On Wednesday night I received an e-mail from Case to celebrate the eve of Veterans’ Day. “If you don’t show up it means you hate America.” Being a definite non-hater, I joined Casey and some of her friends at the College Inn after work. It was a real good night out. A definite change from…