Tag: Informatics

  • What is Informatics?

    Finally, a 5-minute YouTube video that explains the Informatics program @ UW. This is for all those iSchoolers out there who’ve received a blank stare or a quick change of topic when you’ve mentioned your major to family and friends. Props to the iSchool for putting it together, it’s pretty well done! Now if only…

  • Tufte Nerd Out

    “…the nature or matter of the Milky Way itself, which, with the aid of the spyglass, may be observed so well that all the disputes that for so many generations have vexed philosophers are destroyed by visible certainty, and we are liberated from wordy arguments.” Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (Venice, 1610). As mentioned earlier, I…

  • Capstone Presentation @ UW

    So tonight I went to this year’s Informatics Senior Capstone Presentation @ UW with Trevor, Ryan, David, Kevin, Darrin, and Sean. And I must say, it was a pretty fun evening. First it was just my usual joy at seeing familiar faces (including Tho To) and the usual suspects of the iSchool. As the program…

  • Capstone

    I learned some fun facts last night. Like how the Odegaard Copy Center is closed at 4am-4:45am and how the sprinklers in the Quad go off at 4:30am. Not bad lessons to learn at the completion of one’s senior Capstone project, if you ask me. Today at noon, Trevor, Rufino and I presented our final…

  • Today

    Rewind. These last forty-eight hours have been a flurry. Spent nearly nine hours yesterday editing all seventy-five pages of our final Capstone report, spending 5PM-1AM in the company of the INFO crew (minus the Koalafire folks) in the lab, followed by nearly three hours of prepping the course deliverables (i.e. printing). Ended the night off…

  • Untitled #7

    Weather’s been perfect lately. After class yesterday, went out with Capstone Team KDK, Trevor, Sean, and Ryan for lunch at Agua Verde. Not so into the food, a little to veggie-cetric para mi, but I dig eating outside in the little park area by the water. So it was cool to spend time outside away…