Tag: This Just In
A Shirt from Disneyland
Har har har.
Keep Clam!
I learned how to cook clams tonight. And it was very very good.
My New ALAG Tote Bag
Free Krispy Kreme Day
Ah! To express customer appreciation, Kirspy Kreme is giving everyone a free doughnut of your choice today. Go get some.
Street Fair Reminder
Just a reminder that tomorrow marks the start of the U-District Street Fair! Hopefully there’s not too much rain. I’m excited to go this year, I spent last year’s in the lab working on a database project. Here I come, over-priced food and knick-knack tables! Also at the fair, if anyone wants to see some…
By Myk
Oh now that’s cool. Haha 😀
Firefox = Panda?
So I was going through my blogs just now and started checking out this guy, when I read the following: In case you didn’t know, the Chinese name for a red panda is hunho or firefox, due to their color and similar size to a fox. Red panda? So.. much.. cuteness..
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Your Linguistic Profile: 75% General American English 10% Dixie 10% Upper Midwestern 5% Midwestern 0% Yankee What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Friendly Reminder
Tomorrow (Tues 4/19) is Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day! Get some.
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Hm, that’s a first.