Tag: Video
Vancouver 2010: Great Britain Bobsleigh Crash
Today at Whistler Ryan and I happened to be at the infamous turn 13 during the British bobsleigh crash, pretty surreal. Thankfully everyone was okay. BBC on British bobsleigh crash
Lion’s Ambition – Dreams (Don’t let go) Offical Video
My brother Frankie’s band’s new music video! Check it out:
Avenue A | Razorfish Client Reel
Been meaning to post this video here. Our marketing department recently uploaded the client highlight reel on YouTube. It’s been playing in some of our offices’ lobbies for a while now and I’ve always thought it was pretty fun to watch, so I’m glad we now have the chance to share it. The team that…
What is Informatics?
Finally, a 5-minute YouTube video that explains the Informatics program @ UW. This is for all those iSchoolers out there who’ve received a blank stare or a quick change of topic when you’ve mentioned your major to family and friends. Props to the iSchool for putting it together, it’s pretty well done! Now if only…
Cute Kittens Bop Their Head Video
This outta control-cuteness. Thx to Ryan for the find. Cute Kittens Bop Their Head – Watch more free videos
Covent Garden Street Performers
Police Officer Bakes Pot Brownies & Calls 911
Be sure to watch at the 20 second mark. 🙂 Thanks Dave B. for the find.
The Miniature Earth