Capstone Presentation @ UW

So tonight I went to this year’s Informatics Senior Capstone Presentation @ UW with Trevor, Ryan, David, Kevin, Darrin, and Sean. And I must say, it was a pretty fun evening. First it was just my usual joy at seeing familiar faces (including Tho To) and the usual suspects of the iSchool. As the program began, I spotted David M. from Atlas who I work with in Client Services and sat next to him and Trevor for the rest of the program. Later, I had the privilage to introduce David M. to some of the iSchool characters, geek out with Dowell about X-Men, scope out some projects, and welcome the two graduating seniors who will be joining Atlas this summer. That, and gab a lot. It felt much like wading in Informatics and reminded me of why I’m proud to have been a part of the program. It is not without its faults to be sure, but I really did enjoy my time in it and still enjoy being part of the extended iSchool community. In any case, it was a flurry of usability-this, interaction design-that, and many attempts of filling the “information gap”. Afterward, a handful of us went out to Ivar’s for Happy Hour, just like we did after our own Capstone Presentation.

How To Save A LifeCurrently Listening to:
How To Save A Life
By The Fray


